Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day from our family to yours!!!

L---is for the way you look at me!!
O-- is for the Only One I See!
V-- is very very extra-ordinary!!
E-- is even more than anyone that you adore!
Love is made for you and me!! Hayden is our Exclamation Heart and very excited about it!!


Abbie said...

haha that just made me so happy!!! Those pictures are the cutest in the whole world! I miss you all so very much! Thank you for putting them on the blog! I love love love you!!

Jami said...

That is so cute and creative. Hayden was a good sport! Love ya!

Dee Ann Carter said...

Thats awesome! We love you guys too. And Hayden looks so happy to be a part of it. Ask him why he never called me back about that phone call.

D'Neill said...

Oh, I LOVE it (get it? haha) - we sure miss you guys, love reading the blog :)